A Job Board can be made easily with ejobsoftware.com. Take your company to the next level and into the future by having your prospective employees explore your latest roles on your unique Job Board.
A Job Board can be as fancy or simple as you want, and you don’t have to do the work! Enter your preferences, then sit and relax as we craft the perfect website for you and your company.

Decide what you need from our various customization options. Pick the language, location, formatting, and more. The unlimited data allows you to add as much content as you want at any time, so you never have to compromise or shorten. Never feel pressured since you can change things whenever you want.
Built-In Recruitment Software
Recruitment software is a fantastic advantage in the digital age for applicants and employers to find that perfect fit. It is imperative to make the most of the Internet to find the best applicants for your roles! Making it easier for your prospective employees to find jobs they’ll love while helping you find the best applicants for the role has never been more convenient.
There are many job sites around, and having a personalized job board for your company will help you stand out and make the best impression on your future employees. Hiring processes will be made smoothly by embracing recruitment software. Keeping things all together in one place makes it easier to save and remember candidates.
You can post multiple jobs, hold onto applicant materials, and more in an organized fashion that will result in more productive business practices when it comes to hiring. Track your applicants in one place, so you never forget. Schedule and hold interviews with ease, all on the same site.
This software is a one-time purchase and lasts a lifetime! It’s versatile and flexible to keep up with the improving media age while never compromising quality and durability. It allows you to change things as often as you’d like!
A purchase of Job Board software includes the following:
- Complete Enterprise Job Board Application
- Homepage Design, with ten free themes and samples with template
- Annual Hosting at 5G for the US-based optimized servers
- Apps accessible by both iPhone and Android
- Job Wrapping service, to share multiple positions at once
- SEO/Marketing to ensure your website is found and prominent in internet searches
- Customizations- custom programming to fit your business as best as possible!
How to Set up a Job Board
You can easily set up a Job Board in four short, basic steps:
- Check out the online demo. This demo will feature the many access pages on your site, showing you what it looks like for administrators, client tracking, job seekers, and more! By viewing, you can decide what will need customizing to best fit your company.
- Select Homepage Theme. With the purchase of the software, you’ll receive ten free themes to choose from. Our themes are colorful, simple, and modernized. If not your fit, feel free to customize your own!
- Finalize Domain/Webhost. Making a catchy website title will ensure you’ll be memorable and easy for people to find. Finalizing guarantees that the name belongs to your great company!
- Contact us. We want to be with you every step of the way to ensure that this site looks as it should and does what you need it to do. Check in to let us know how things are going and what we can do to improve.
There are a few other extensive steps to make it as customized as possible.
Screening demo versions of the pages will allow you to see what possible customizations you’ll make, and picking features allows those changes to happen easily. Installing the software, posting jobs, and doing digital marketing/SEO work are the last steps to publishing your site to the world.
Features of a Job Board
Many features come with having a Job Board, all of which make it a versatile advantage to employers and potential employees.
Job Board themes are one of the highlights of purchasing the program as they are simple and are a low commitment. You can easily change things with one of the ten free themes or ask for a custom one! Your theme will be created and ready for you in about 3-4 days.
Job Boards are an opportunity to redefine the job search. With special filters, applicants can pick the location of work, their experience level, and specific companies to show job postings most relevant to them.
Job seekers can create profiles so you can always have their resumes on file if you think they might be a good fit elsewhere. Applicants can easily upload cover letters and fill out applications that can be reviewed on the go. Job seekers can also contact the company directly to ask questions about the role, which fosters community as multiple members can reach out and connect.
One of the unique capabilities is the ability for interviews! You can hold virtual interviews on the same site and easily pull up an applicant’s materials. Doing it all in one place will eliminate the need for excess paper and excess programs.
Benefits of a Job Board
There are many benefits of having a Job Board. The most important one is having a fully functional advanced site without headaches. All you do is share your preferences and goals for the site, and then the board is customized specially for you! The process is easy, accessible, and has a sleek and professional design that will wow potential applicants.
These Job Boards can be as niche as you want! Have them focus on specific regions and locations, one business sector, or create a general and all-encompassing Job Board. These boards are made and customized with you and your goals in mind!
Lastly, Job Boards are convenient, above all. Job seekers can find the jobs perfect for them. Job hunting has never been easier. With the applicant tracker, companies can monitor aspirants in the same spot.
For more information on Job Board software, contact us at – www.ejobsitesoftware.com