Category: SEO

  • SEO Websites

    Google Adwords Google Analytics Backlinks Alexa Rank Indexed Pages Page Rank Search Engine Blacklisting Popular Social Networking Sites Types of Search Engines Working of Search Engines What is SEO? SEO – Glossary of Terms YouTube Facebook Keyword Research – The Foundation of SEO What is Author Rank? Search Engine Optimization

  • SEO – Glossary of Terms

    SEO is now a very specialized industry associated with highly skilled Search Engine Optimization professionals, web designers and developers. Below is the list of common terms used by SEO industry: Adwords Alexa Rank ALT Tags Article Writing Backlinks Classified Posting Cross-Browser Compatibility Directory Submission eBooks Email Marketing Facebook Forums Submission Google Google Analytics Google Webmaster…

  • YouTube

    A popular free video-sharing website that lets registered users upload and share video clips online at the Web site. To view the videos you are not required to register. Anyone who goes to the site can view the videos that are posted on this site. The videos are anything from beginner videos to more…

  • Facebook

    Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Some of the public features are: Marketplace – allows members to post, read and respond to classified ads. Groups – allows members who have common…

  • Google Adwords

    It is system to assist you in marketing your products or services in the Google Search Engine, and its affiliate sites, via the use of a placed text ad that appears when people search for phrases related to your offering, this appears as a “sponsored link”. The system is a “pay per click” system, this…

  • Google Analytics

    Google Analytics (GA) is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website.

  • Backlinks

    Backlink is a link coming from another website back to your own, also called inward or inbound links. If page A links out to page B, then page B is said to have a backlink from a web page A. Backlinks are used in SEO to increase the understanding of a website and to get…

  • Alexa Rank

    Alexa rank is measurement based on the traffic to a website therefore, lower the number, the better. Highly visited websites get lower numbers. An Alexa ranking is an indicator used to gauge site performance. Check Alexa Rank –

  • Indexed Pages

    This refers to the pages on a website that a search engine has explored and stored. If a page, or site, has not been indexed by a search engine, there is no chance that it can show up in search engine results. Read More:

  • Page Rank

    Page Rank is Google’s way of deciding page’s importance. It is a numeric value. A page with a higher Page Rank is more important and is more likely to be listed above a page with a lower Page Rank. Read More: