Lesson 9: Typography & Custom Fonts in Bootstrap

Lesson 9: Typography & Custom Fonts in Bootstrap

📌 Objective: Learn how to style text, fonts, and typography in Bootstrap using built-in classes and custom fonts.

🔹 1. Introduction to Bootstrap Typography

Typography is one of the most important aspects of web design. Bootstrap provides predefined typography classes to style text, headings, paragraphs, lists, and alignment.

💡 Why Use Bootstrap Typography?
✔️ Predefined styling – No need for custom CSS.
✔️ Responsive typography – Adjusts text size based on screen width.
✔️ Easily customizable – Change fonts, sizes, and colors with utility classes.

🔹 2. Bootstrap Heading & Paragraph Styles

Bootstrap includes default heading styles (h1 to h6) and paragraph styles.

Example: Headings & Paragraphs

<div class="container">
<h1 class="display-1">Display 1 Heading</h1>
<h2 class="display-2">Display 2 Heading</h2>
<h3 class="display-3">Display 3 Heading</h3>
<p class="lead">This is a lead paragraph for emphasis.</p>
<p class="text-muted">This is a muted paragraph.</p>

🔹 What happens?

  • display-* classes make headings larger than normal.
  • .lead makes paragraphs stand out.
  • .text-muted dims text for less emphasis.

🔹 3. Text Alignment & Transformation

You can align and transform text using Bootstrap’s utility classes.

Class Effect
.text-start Aligns text left
.text-center Aligns text center
.text-end Aligns text right
.text-uppercase Converts text to uppercase
.text-lowercase Converts text to lowercase
.text-capitalize Capitalizes first letter of each word

Example: Text Alignment & Transformation

<div class="container">
<p class="text-center text-uppercase">This text is centered and uppercase.</p>
<p class="text-end text-lowercase">this text is right-aligned and lowercase.</p>

🔹 What happens?

  • First paragraph centers and converts text to uppercase.
  • Second paragraph aligns right and converts text to lowercase.

🔹 4. Controlling Font Weight & Style

Bootstrap provides classes for bold, italic, and different font weights.

Class Effect
.fw-bold Bold text
.fw-semibold Semi-bold text
.fw-normal Normal font weight
.fw-light Light text
.fst-italic Italic text
.fst-normal Normal (non-italic) text

Example: Font Weight & Style

<div class="container">
<p class="fw-bold">Bold Text</p>
<p class="fw-light fst-italic">Light Italic Text</p>

🔹 What happens?

  • The first paragraph becomes bold.
  • The second paragraph is lightweight and italic.

🔹 5. Using Bootstrap’s Built-in Fonts

1️⃣ Default Font Stack

Bootstrap uses system fonts by default for better performance:

font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;

🔹 This ensures:
✔️ Faster loading times.
✔️ Improved cross-browser compatibility.

2️⃣ Customizing Fonts with Google Fonts

You can change the default Bootstrap font by using Google Fonts.

Example: Using Google Fonts in Bootstrap

<!-- Link Google Font in <head> -->
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@300;700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Apply to Bootstrap Text -->
<div class="container">
<p class="custom-font">This text uses Poppins font.</p>

<!-- Custom CSS -->
.custom-font {
font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;

🔹 What happens?

  • The paragraph text uses Poppins instead of Bootstrap’s default font.

🔹 6. Bootstrap Text Colors & Backgrounds

Bootstrap includes utility classes for text colors and backgrounds.

1️⃣ Changing Text Color

Class Effect
.text-primary Blue text
.text-secondary Gray text
.text-success Green text
.text-danger Red text
.text-warning Yellow text
.text-info Cyan text
.text-light Light text
.text-dark Dark text

Example: Changing Text Colors

<p class="text-primary">Primary Blue Text</p>
<p class="text-danger">Danger Red Text</p>

🔹 What happens?

  • First text turns blue.
  • Second text turns red.

2️⃣ Changing Background Colors

Class Effect
.bg-primary Blue background
.bg-secondary Gray background
.bg-success Green background
.bg-danger Red background
.bg-warning Yellow background
.bg-info Cyan background
.bg-light Light background
.bg-dark Dark background

Example: Changing Background Colors

<p class="bg-success text-white p-3">Green Background with White Text</p>
<p class="bg-danger text-light p-3">Red Background with Light Text</p>

🔹 What happens?

  • First text has a green background with white text.
  • Second text has a red background with light text.

📝 Lesson Recap Quiz

🎯 Test your understanding of Bootstrap typography.

📌 Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

1️⃣ What class makes text uppercase?
a) .text-upper
b) .text-bold
c) .text-uppercase
d) .text-strong

Correct Answer: c) .text-uppercase

2️⃣ What is Bootstrap’s default font family?
a) “Poppins”, sans-serif
b) “Roboto”, sans-serif
c) System fonts like Arial and Helvetica
d) “Courier New”, monospace

Correct Answer: c) System fonts like Arial and Helvetica

3️⃣ What class sets bold text?
a) .font-weight-bold
b) .fw-bold
c) .text-bold
d) .strong-text

Correct Answer: b) .fw-bold

📌 True or False

4️⃣ Bootstrap provides utility classes to change text color.
Answer: True

5️⃣ .text-muted makes text appear bold.
Answer: False (It dims text color.)

🎯 Practical Challenge

✅ Apply Google Fonts (Poppins) to a Bootstrap page.
✅ Create a styled heading (.display-3) with a background color.
✅ Try aligning text differently (.text-center, .text-end).
✅ Post your solution in the discussion forum for feedback!

🎓 Lesson Summary

Bootstrap typography utilities make styling text fast and flexible.
.text-uppercase, .fw-bold, and .fst-italic modify text style.
Google Fonts can be easily integrated with Bootstrap.
Text and background colors improve readability.


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