Next.js is one of the framework of the React, where React (is a JS library) provide you to beautiful, scalable and fast single page application. Next.js is an open source framework which gives you the best developer experience such as hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching and more without No config needed.

Benefits of Next.Js
As we know Next.js built on top the React library so it benefits and provide some features such as:
- Image Optimization
- Provide Next.js Analytics
- Zero Config
- Hybrid SSG and SSR
- Incremental Static Regeneration
- TypeScript Support
- Fast Refresh
- File System Routing
- API Routes
- Built-in CSS Support
- Code-splitting and Bundling
Why choose Next.Js
The very basic question in users mind why Next.js if there is already React library available. The question is general and valid because Next.js is built on top of React Js and React is used by many top Tech Giants.
Some of Tech Giants using React are:
- Discord
- Netflix and
- Uber and more…
Next.js built on React and it inherits the features of React Js and it is more times powerful than ReactJS and SEO friendly.
So the question is. Do we need to move from React to Next.js?
As we discussed Next.js built on react so we do not move from React when using the Next.js because it has 90% similar syntax like React but Next.js provides you to more features rather than using ReactJs.
Some Features of Next.js are:
Static Site Generation:
When your project is ready to host in production you will bundle up your project, during the bundling process, Next.js will make network request fetch all data, and build HTML pages for your project.
Server Side Generation:
Next.js provide you to the server side generation means in every page request the data will first loaded on the server then next the html will be sent with pre-loaded content, which is real time data.
Code Splitting:
Because of Next.js file system-based routing, when user visits a specific route, it only loads the JS and CSS for that particular page, which make site load faster. This increases performance as there is less for the user’s browser to download and the user benefits from seeing the page content quicker. Next.js also determines which JS is shared among pages and extracts that out into the chunks. This code splitting thing is available out of the box in Next.js without any extra setup.
Next.js provides the best SEO for your product which make Next.js more powerful and fast. Next.js has a built-in component for adding meta-tags to the page. Google give more importance to page speed these days and it is easy to get 100 score in the Google page speed insight tool.
Fast Refresh:
Next.js by default provides and enabled the fast refresh for your all application. With fast refresh user get instantaneous feedback or visual within a second, without losing component state. For developer purpose, if you introduce an error, a modal will pop up, telling you exactly which line is to blame. And once you fix the error, the app will resume with the react state still preserved. This makes the debugging process much better.
TypeScript and ESLint support:
TypeScript and ESLint greatly improve the developer experience and helps maintain good quality code. And the best part of Next.js is that, it supports the both.
Image Optimization:
Next.js has built-in Image Component for optimizing the image. It has
We have considerable experience working on the Next.js open source development platform and you can contact us for any work related to Next.js such as dynamic websites with server-side rendering and static websites.
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Note: Checkout – India Directory , which is made on Next.js.