Category: Wordpress

  • Hire a WordPress Developer

    WordPress is a free open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It was created by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. WordPress powers over 60% of the world's websites and is the most popular CMS platform in use today. WordPress is one of the best platforms for building websites. There are many reasons…

  • WordPress Form Builder

    What is Forms in WordPress? Forms are used to facilitate feedback from visitors, and enrich the functionality of your website or blog. provides various form plugin to manage and build all kind of form for your websites or blog. WordPress Form Builder Plugins provides many form plugins for build and managing websites or…

  • What is WordPress Theme?

    WordPress Theme: In WordPress, a theme changes the design of your website and including its layout, meaning that, a theme is a collection of templates and style sheets used to define the appearance and display the WordPress websites. Changing your theme in WordPress define the changes how your site looks on the front-end. There are…

  • What is WordPress?

    Overview of WordPress: Word Press is a free, open source and content management system (CMS) based on the Php and MySql. According to a survey, it is most widely used content management system in the world, and it powers more than 30% of the top 10 million websites and has an estimated 60% market share…